AI and self-reflection problem
This is what comes to my mind when I think about why I don't like watching TV shows with talent competitions. If you think about it - among those very talented artists (who probably can go to the final part of the competition) and those who are talented but need more time to get better, there are many not so talented people and people who completely lack self-reflection.
Their performances are mostly embarrassing, and if I feel embarrassed for them because I am watching... This is a nice example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
The Dunning–Kruger effect is defined as the tendency of people with low ability in a specific area to give overly positive assessments of this ability.
New possibilities
When it comes to AI, I see similarities to what I said above and a reliance on AI. I think that can become a problem in the next few years.
If you think about what AI can do today, it can translate text and allow you to speak multiple languages, complete sentences, complete snippets of code or rewrite it to be more effective. It can also create digital art, such as drawing or composing music, and much more.
When it comes to digital art, I just have to write a few sentences about what I want to draw and the AI will do it for me. Or I can just sketch something, like a child in kindergarten, and the AI will draw a nice looking piece of art in the style I choose..
The possibilities are huge. This is something our parents may have read about in science fiction books, or probably never dreamed of.
And here it comes…
Thanks to the era we are leaving, you can speak several languages even if you only learnt one or two of them at school. You can become a digital artist, even if you've never drawn a line in your life. Or become a composer and much more.
Our parents didn't have that. If they wanted to compose music, they had to study it. If they wanted to speak another language, they had to study it and buy books and dictionaries... For a lot of knowledge they had to go to the library and do research. I can do research on my phone while waiting for the bus.
It is much easier than it used to be, but it is also much easier to become overconfident in what you do/know.
People can lose the motivation to learn new things - for what? They just need to take out their phone and know what they need. In other words, they are getting stupider and, I think, more likely to be overconfident in the area they are interested in.
I don't know about you, dear reader, but I really don't want the doctor who treats me to use AI because he lacks the knowledge because he finished school thanks to AI.
What to say at the end?
Don't take this (wat I wrote above) literally, not everything is that easy i wrote above, but the thing is - I'm not against AI, I like advances in new technologies (I'm what you might call a nerd), but in recent years I see people becoming over-reliant on AI, and not just for really difficult things, but more and more using AI for simple things. And personally know few individual who don’t even need to prepare for school exams because “AI knows”.
There's nothing wrong with using new technology, but think about how you use it.