May's Newsletter week 49/2022
It's been a while since the last newsletter. I didn't have time to write, because I was preparing for an exam, but something has been added to my page.
Manage multiple git accounts - this is Linux version, and I planning to publish similar for Windows
Also if you want to read about my workflow, that post is here.
What's next? I switched back to Windows because I need it at work. Recently I've become quite fan of Powershell (before that I used zsh most of the time) and I run Linux through WSL.
I'm trying to keep things simple and that's why I moved most of my PHP projects to Laravel Forge. Now I can deploy changes to a page by pressing a single button.
And, yes, we had Black friday so I finally paid for a lifetime membership to Laracast.
Oh and since we've had a boom around AI lately, here's the meme of the week:
Have a nice day!